Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review: Daiso Nose Pack

Bought this Daiso Nose Pack out of curiosity. I usually use a nose patch to get rid of black&whitehead. But this tube attracted me with its cute face on the packaging, nice reviews out there and its cheap price. IDR 40k, I order it immediately without thinking :p

This is how it works. After cleansing my face, I take quite generous amount of sticky paste out of the tube and apply it onto my nose area. Let it dry for like 10-15 minutes. When it completely dries, then I can peel it off, the same way we do with nose patch.  So basically, it works like a nose patch, only in different appearance.

When I've removed the dried paste, I do feel that my nose is smoother and cleaner. However, no matter how many times I've tried (I've tried 4 times in 2 weeks, that's the maximum suggested usage - not more than twice a week), I still can't get a nice layer with the black&whitehead on it - you know, the satisfaction we'll always want to get from nose patch! :p I thought I've put quite generous amount, but it seems that it's always still too thin that it wrinkles easily when I peel it off. I'm stressed out! :p
this is the best I could get, still too thin it wrinkles, but I can spot whiteheads on it

In terms of cleaning pores, it works! But I'd say that getting back to nose patch as soon as I finish this product would be the most possible option. Less messy, more satisfaction :D

The fact that it's not avail in local stores here in Indonesia is a let down, but you'll find it easily in online stores or order it via custom purchase.

All in all, I'd give Daiso Nose Pack 3.5 ♥


  1. Not even at daiso mall artha gading? I always love shopping at daiso,cute stuffs in low prices:D..

  2. is there daiso at mal artha gading? aah I went there just once and it was like years ago.. not my playground I suppose :p
    nice info, girl, hopefully those who live near artha gading will find this product easily ;)
    as for me.. I guess buying it online is still the option :p

  3. aku juga suka sama Daiso Nose Pack,kalo aku sebelum dioles kehidung,hidungnya dikompres ma kapas yg dicelup air hangat,trus oles 2x,pertama agak tipis,5 menit kemudian oles agak tebal sampe ga keliatan lagi bintik2 dihiung,komedo kecabut semua,kadang pakenya seminggu 3x hehehe :)

  4. lagi mau coba iniiiii...masih menunggu daisoku dateng^^

    @mutiara tanjung: lhooo bukannya cuma boleh dipake 1x seminggu ya say???


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